Masyarakat Yanomamo, Brazil, Bertahan Hidup dengan Poligami
SOSIOLOGI POLIGAMI -- Masyarakat Indian Yanonamo di hutan belantara Brazil menggunakan sistem perkawinan Poligami untuk sebagai bagian dan pertahanan hidup.
Penikahan biasanya diatur oleh orang tua, paman atau warga tertua dalam sebuah kampung.
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Penikahan biasanya diatur oleh orang tua, paman atau warga tertua dalam sebuah kampung.
Life expectancy in the Yanomamo villages is fairly short. The oldest people in the villages range seventy one years of age and the percentages are really slim to none.
On the contrary, babies and children are in huge percentages due to the fact that polygamy is practiced within the tribe since the reproductive span for women is so short, ranging from twenty to twenty five years, they must have as many children as possible in their lifetime.
Marriage in the Yanomamo tribe is considered to be very important even though they do not practice any actual wedding ceremony. Marriage is a social dynamic within villages, these dynamics include the giving and receiving of the so called marriageable girls. Marriages are arranged by older kins usually men, brothers, uncles and/or the father of the girl. These arranges are a political process in which girls are promised in marriage at an early age, mostly before puberty, by men who are attempting to create alliances with other men via marriage exchanges. Women are coming short on demand for marriage because of the acceptance of polygamy within the tribe.
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